Defending pet owners whose animals get lost

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 07:13:12 -0400
From: Phyllis Thomas
Subject: Response to Jeannette Baranger concerning pet Care


Bravo! I wanted to post defending pet owners whose animals get lost, but you did it so much more eloquently than I could have.

Pets are still animals, and they need some outdoor time. I have had many dogs stray TO my house, and I just feed them and, if they are so inclined, send them on their way. If there is some identification on them, I call the owner. If they stay more than a week, and have no collar, then they go to the vet, and become mine.

I live on a farm in the country and realize that animals do stray. I’ve only had one dog to leave home, and it was before I had him neutered. I went all over the neighborhood looking for him, but he camehome on his own in about 3 days.

Anyway, thank you, Jeannette, for defending pet owners who have had a pet to stray.