Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 16:55:07 -0400 From: julia kennedy Subject: Oxymoron anyone? Local business and Plenty So let me get this straight; because a LOCALLY owned business feels Plenty is not a viable currency for their needs, you are boycotting said LOCAL business? Isn’t this, oh, I don’t know,Continue Reading

Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 15:06:38 -0500 From: Gary Simpson Subject: Burrito Bash on March 3 Supports Sierra Club and CCEC Pittsboro’s General Store Café hosts the monthly Burrito Bash this Tuesday evening, March 3,  from 6-9 p.m.  This Pittsboro tradition supports non-profits by offering an evening of food andContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:18:14 -0400 From: Karen Sirls Subject: Hogs and Dogs – A Burrito Bash Success Story! Pittsboro, NC – Chatham Animal Rescue and Education, Inc. (C.A.R.E.) in conjunction with The Chatham County Concerned Bikers Association (CC-CBA) held its Fifth Annual Burrito Bash and Auction on Monday,Continue Reading

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 13:12:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Becky Whitley Subject: Look Twice…Save A Life – Motorcycles Are Everywhere I’d like to extend an invitation to you involving something I’m very passionate about.  I am the Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Program Coordinator (MSAP) for the Chatham County ConcernedContinue Reading