Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:35:28 -0400 From: “Chatham Chamber of Commerce” Subject: Chatham Development Briefing – 8th Annual The Chatham Chamber of Commerce will host the Chatham Development Briefing on August 27, 2014 at Governors Club, located at 11000 Governors Club Drive in Chapel Hill. Registration and networking willContinue Reading

Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:34:07 -0400 From: Gene Galin EDC Chairman Joe Glasson talks about Chatham County’ development strategies In a presentation at Govenors Club, former Chatham County Economic Development chairman Joe Glasson spoke about the major development strategies in Chatham County. The Three major areas are Moncure Megasite,Continue Reading

Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:43:55 -0400 From: BRIAN BOCK Subject: Chatham County leads way The Chapel Hill News carried a column on Sunday by Mark Zimmerman that highlights the differences between Chapel Hill and Chatham County and the results that follow. Not only is it well written but underscoresContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 14:13:55 -0400 From: Heather Johnson Subject: response to Ms. Crowell Ms. Crowell, I see that you skimmed over the news article that references PITTSBORO as the location of the story. So Pittsboro is the city and we live in CHATHAM County. You reference an increaseContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 00:14:40 -0400 From: Gene Subject: Last Week’s Hottest Chatham Online Bulletin Board Topics 1. Chatham Chatlist Anonymous Obsessions  (Read 7725 times) at,30715.0.html 2. Concerns with the Goathouse Refuge’s anti-gun range petition  (Read 2712 times) at,31006.0.html 3. Walgreens  (Read 2697 times) at,31215.0.html 4.Continue Reading

Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:39:51 +0000 From: Debra Henzey Subject: Certified Chatham Megasite is Vital Step for Local Economic Growth Contact: Dianne Reid, EDC President, 919-542-8274 June 20, 2014 Certified Chatham Megasite is Vital Step for Local Economic Growth Duke Energy to contribute $100,000 for more site readiness PITTSBORO-A Continue Reading

Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 08:51:12 -0400 From: “John R Dykers” Subject: Maclyn Humphrey 3 May RTP grew out of the pine forest between 3 universities thanks to the original vision of Luther Hodges and subsequent contributions by many. There has been a ‘land use plan’ of some sort forContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 05:22:30 -0700 (PDT) From: stephanie talbott Subject: Urban planning and Chatham Park Re: this post: “From: “Mary Millard” Subject: Regarding “where are the jobs?” My understanding from all the articles, meetings and videos there will be not just houses and retail; but businesses and companiesContinue Reading

Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 17:45:27 -0400 From: Taylor Kish Subject: Didn’t they get the memo? The Chatham Park opposition dissolved when leaders were exposed to directly profit by their opposition.  Didn’t you aging babyboomers get the memo? The leaders were not able to extort money to feed their oppositionContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 22:45:58 -0400 From: Gene Galin Subject: Last Week’s Hottest Chatham Online Bulletin Board 1. Sheriff Race… Webster vs. Franks and Meadows  (Read 2426 times) at,30956.0.html 2. OMG It’s a Communist Conspiracy  (Read 1327 times) at,30968.0.html 3. Little Dipper’s Italian Ice thinks Chatham ChatlistContinue Reading