Thanks to Innovate Chatham for informing us of one step in improving internet service in Chatham

Thanks to Innovate Chatham for informing us of one step in improving internet service in Chatham

Thanks to Innovate Chatham for informing us of one step in improving internet service in Chatham County that we can all take (see Chatham Chatlist #7449).  In brief, go to, find your address, and review whether the bandwidth available is accurate. Burney Waring provided some examples for providers claiming access that you know is in appropriate, but didn’t mention the satellite provider claims. Do we need to challenge claims of satellite providers who would only be accessible if we cut down our woods?

I’ll note the location of our home on the FCC map was labeled with a non-existent address that belongs to the other side of the road if it was in use. So even if you are happy with your broadband (???!!), do check the map and see if your happiness is dislocated. And if you are unhappy, well, it can’t get fixed if you are not reported on the map.


From: J. E. Bush
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 10:56:02 AM EST
Subject: Re Poor internet or no internet? Act Now!