Just some facts to counter inconsistencies

Just some facts to counter inconsistencies about the sheriffs department from previous Chatlist posts.

— Budget and funding —
For the 2022-23 budget year: the department consists of
One Sheriff
One Chief Deputy
115 Deputies
48 Detention officers
13 Animal Services employees PLUS an additional 4 new starting.
These are all funded but not all staffed.

For that the county taxpayers will pay almost nineteen million dollars.

Sheriff Roberson has many times said that at any given time we are lucky to have four deputies on patrol in the county at any given time.

— Sheriff retirement plan —
A Sheriff (or any deputy) can begin to receive a retirement benefit once they reach the age of 55 and have served at least 5 years on duty. Note that Sheriff Roberson turns 55 next year and has been sheriff for about 5 years. The Sheriff has denied rumors to leave the office next year if reelected.

— Experience —
If elected, Marcus Globuschutz would be coming into the position with much the same background as Sheriff Roberson when he was appointed Sheriff. Both were law enforcement officers. Sheriff Roberson had a lot of things to learn on the job. So would Globuschutz.

What we have right now doesn’t seem to be working. Whether its time for a change in leadership is a question the voters need to make, but they need to make it on a reasoned basis and not just because the candidate is a democrat or republican.

From: Raymond Gastwaite
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 07:21:49 PM EDT
Subject: Facts on the Sheriffs office