Did they pay for the rental of the Chatham Ag Center? If yes, they can have their gun show

Did they pay for the rental of the Chatham Ag Center? If yes, they can have their gun show

Did they pay for the rental of the location? And yes it is OUR Chatham County Agricultural center closer to Pittsboro then to Siler City (some of us do remember it was to be located midway.)
Ann Z.

From: Sarah Ann Zimmerman
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 05:23:56 PM EDT
Subject: Did they pay for the rental of the location?

>From: algums63079
>Sent: Friday, June 17, 2022, 12:46:46 PM EDT
>Subject: Chatham County’s Big Bang-up Gun Show and sale
>Guess I shouldn’t be shooting off my mouth about this, but was just wondering how proud Chatham
>County is to be offering and supporting the Show and sale of guns and firearms at OUR Chatham County Agricultural center in Pittsboro ?
>Al “Gunless” Gums