Take our survey: Are you OK with gun shows at the Chatham County Ag Center?

Take our online poll on gun shows at the Chatham Ag Center HERE.

(voting ends on July 4 at 10 pm EDT)

A Chatham Chatlist member asked the following question last week –

Guess I shouldn’t be shooting off my mouth about this, but was just wondering how proud Chatham County is to be offering and supporting the Show and sale of guns and firearms at OUR Chatham County Agricultural center in Pittsboro ?

Al “Gunless” Gums

From: algums63079
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2022, 12:46:46 PM EDT
Subject: Chatham County’s Big Bang-up Gun Show and sale

We’re interested to know what you think.


  1. The government shouldn’t be promoting gun ownership just like it shouldn’t be promoting pet ownership. Too many citizens aren’t responsible, mature, respectful, or disciplined enough to own pets or guns without having a negative impact on others citizens’ quality of life. Hosting this gun show event at the Ag center is is a form of government promotion which shouldn’t be allowed. It also shouldn’t be allowed to run a puppy mill out of the Chatham County sheriff department.

  2. YES

  3. No. Not in favor. Fed up with the obsession with guns. But most concerned with the connection between gun shows and unregulated gun sales, whether they occur as part of the show, on the side, or by connecting buyer and seller.

  4. The problem is not the gun, it is the “Mentality” behind it. More should be done in this country to address Behavior issues, creating affordable living and fighting poverty. With Chatham Park going in ask yourself with todays rates a $400,000.00 average home is $2400.00 a month for 30 years. Now add insurance, utilities, general maintenance, healthcare, food clothing and educational costs, how many local Chatham County households can afford these homes on local jobs? This is the root of the problem across our country. The stress of trying to raise a family and provide a life portrayed by the “Haves”. Governments large and Small protect their own interests, not those who strive to survive. This creates the anger that spills over to gun violence. We have no methods of helping people cope with the stress and help with the answers they need to compete in this society anymore. We waste Billions everyday outside our borders while we suffer in America.

  5. To me, gun shows at public places and business facilities where adults and kids attend promotes the idea that guns are for entertainment.

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