Became aware of at least 3 burglaries within a 3 block radius of my home

Became aware of at least 3 burglaries within a 3 block radius of my home

I occasionally peruse the Chatham County Arrest Blotter, sometimes out of curiosity but more often out of boredom. I think posting of citizen reports,  most specifically break-ins and/burglaries (as well as vandalism) of buildings (homes) and cars would be much more helpful. It’s not that I don’t try to be cautious to prevent such things, but security cams/systems are not financially realistic for many – even the less expensive ones. I have recently become aware of at least 3 burglaries within a 3 block radius of my home. I think it would be helpful for us to at least be aware of where there may be a cluster of these crimes. For anyone who is inclined to suggest getting a barking dog – I’m more inclined to see dogs as friendly pets, not a “thing” to be risked as a first line of defense for my other “things.”

Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 16:12:28 +0300
From: =?UTF-8?B?QiBEZW1lcnM=?= <>
Subject: Become aware of at least 3 burglaries within a 3 block radius of my home