Cindy S. Perry has filed for the position of Mayor of Pittsboro

Cindy S. Perry has filed for the position of Mayor of Pittsboro

Cindy S. Perry has filed for the position of Mayor of Pittsboro.  She served as Mayor from 2015-2019.  The Mayor’s position, as well as the Town Board, are non-partisan.  The municipal election will be held on November 2, 2021, with registered citizens within the Town Limits voting in this election.

Perry, a retired real estate attorney, has been active in the campaigns of others, such as State Representative Joe Hackney, and Congressman David Price.  Her tenure with the Town came after Chatham Park had been approved and during her administration she guided the creation of an advisory group to study and recommend the requirements for the infrastructure of that development.  She shepherded the Board through the beginning of the Uniform Development Ordinance, approval of the force main sewer line to Sanford, and the initiatives to study Town water quality.   Many of the projects started during her administration continue before the Board. Particularly, her emphasis will be on the recommendations of the water quality advisory group to improve water quality for all citizens.

When asked about the most successful aspect of her time as Mayor, Perry stated that she was pleased to have governed with respect and civility with the Board, broadened the voice of the electorate, supported local business and dealt with governance in a balanced and fair manner.

Among her proposals are further citizen participation in Town governance. She has previously proposed a concept called “Community Cabinet” to review and recommend policies for the Board to consider.  This Cabinet replicates a concept she became familiar with years ago from a similar sized town in Canada.  Our Town has many people who have expertise in science and government, Perry said, and we need to give them a voice and utilize their knowledge.  She said, the Town Board and administration cannot be an expert in every field facing the Town, and this Cabinet could assist the Town in a profound way, Perry stated.

In addition, Perry proposes a local government leadership workshop, similar to the one offered by the County, but aimed at helping develop leadership skills and candidate interest with young, diverse Town residents.

Perry has lived in PIttsboro over 40 years, raised her three adult children in Pittsboro, has lived on Historical Hillsboro Street, and is married to Dan Perry.  They volunteer with the Chatham County Historical Museum and for Second Bloom, the local domestic violence agency.

The community needs and deserves proven leadership and unity now that the Town is emerging from the pandemic, Perry stated.  Traffic and local businesses were negatively affected by the chaos of the work at the Courthouse Circle. These need to be healed as the Town re-emerges, she said.

There are many wonderful things about our Town and our citizens, Perry stated, and I intend to be a good listener and an able ambassador for our citizens.

From: Cindy Perry
Date: Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 3:52 PM
Subject: Cindy S. Perry has filed for the position of Mayor of Pittsboro