Expunging the Deplorable Side of Chatham County that Carmen Hogan is so ashamed of

Expunging the Deplorable Side of Chatham County that Carmen Hogan is so ashamed of

I emphatically agree with Carmen Hogan – an eloquent ambassador of diversity, anti-racism and allyship.  I too was stunned at the disgusting racial slur “C**n*s*e Virus” (Biden banned such HateSpeech)..

That said, it SEEMS obvious “chathampatriot” is white, making “C**n*s*e Virus” ThoughtCrime and them a Racist. BUT it’s possible they are Asian and “own” this term, making it okay.  Comparable to “The Word” – ThoughtCrime for a white to think it, and Racist to enunciate it.  But Blacks own “The Word” and may freely use it – listen (without singing along) to many a Rap song like Cardi B’s juicy hit for teenagers, “WAP”.

I also abhor Racist flags, but IS THERE any right to fly them??  Our Progressive change agents (Commissar Howard, Health Czar Zelek, the BoH, and CORE’s Karinda Roebuck) who stealthily inked our cabalistic Structural Racism Health Crisis may say NO.   They likely foresee this: folks presenting physician notes validating Confederate flags negatively impacting their mental condition (bipolar, PTSD, OCD, etc).  Giving Health Czar Zelek “no choice” but to address this Structural Racism health issue by ordering Chatham Deplorables to remove flags (police enforced).  A diversity side benefit: Deplorables might vamoose, a welcome Chatham “cleansing”.  Flip side, can the County dispense gratis “Black Lives Matter” signs as health positive and image enhancing for sweet and kind Pittsboro/Chatham?

Carmen notes non-white people don’t get to hide their color.  Neither do white people!  Recently a Countian asked me to confess to old white male privilege – it felt accusatory.  My accuser didn’t know I’m maternal-side Hispanic, but appallingly melanin deficient (a sister genetically lucked with enviable Color).

Last, let’s embrace diversity and inclusion, and declare Chatham a “Sanctuary County”.  With millions more new Dreamers at the border and Chatham’s rural nature, surely we can adopt 50,000+ Dreamers plus their families?  Hatred of Chatham Park would transform to love if the Commissars simultaneously mandated it Affordable Housing.  As John Lennon sang, “Imagine…”!

Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2021 11:16:41 -0400
From: Douglas Sedlak
Subject: Expunging the Deplorable Side of Chatham (followup to Carmen Hogan)