About your orange well water

About your orange well water

One additional comment that you may or may not find useful. I hope it helps you.

When we had this problem, the red was mostly high iron content. A filter along with “Iron out” salt in the water softener took care of it.

The well guy had an interesting comment that turned out to be at least anecdotally true.

He said our two person household did not use much water and as a result iron sediment “built up” in the well. We have since been less frugal with the water and it has cleared up dramatically, to the point where the filter is no longer necessary (we still have the filter, but when I change it, it’s white rather than red). We have found it worth our peace of mind to have our water tested every two years, it is a service provided by the county and there are private companies that do even more extensive tests.

Chatham Water Sampling


Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 13:41:26 -0500
From: tony blake
Subject: RE: orange well water