How many miles over the limit were you that it involves a court date?

How many miles over the limit were you that it involves a court date?

How many miles over the limit were you that it involves a court date? Oops.

Anyhow here’s my experience. My ticket was in Chatham but process will be same. I went ahead and contacted and hired a Pittsboro attorney, only to find out my mailbox was full of offers from lawyers around the Triangle area who would have handled my case for half the fee I’d paid. 

You would not need to go to court yourself, I didn’t, they pled “faulty odometer” and got the charge reduced from 17 over to 7 over. However I also ended up with a fine or costs or something that was several hundreds of dollars on top of the attorney’s fee. 

The big difference is that I didn’t get points that would meant paying higher auto insurance for many years after.

I have a friend who claims it’s legal to drive 10 over the limit, but clearly it’s not if 7 over cost me a fine (I used to think 5 over was ok but now I try to stay as close to the limit as I can).  .

Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2021 10:36:43 -0500
From: Liz Cullington
Subject: traffic ticket