Santa Cruise Thru at Pittsboro Kiwanis Building on Dec.12

Santa Cruise Thru at Pittsboro Kiwanis Building on Dec.12

Santa will make an appearance on Saturday 12/12
from 5:30 to 6:30pm at the Pittsboro Kiwanis Building at 309 Credle St in Pittsboro.
Cruise through the circular drive, give Santa a big wave, and drop off your Santa wish list. Kids will get a goody bag delivered to each car by special elves.
We ask you to remain in your cars, and wear a mask-  and we will be practicing social distancing during this free event.

Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2020 09:41:14 -0500
From: “K.T. Leary”
Subject: Santa Cruise Thru