Attention Siler City rental owners: “Right of first refusal” for affordable housing

Attention Siler City rental owners: “Right of first refusal” for affordable housing

Here is what our County Government Overlords (Übermensch) envision for you (p.12):

“right of first refusal for affordable housing organizations to purchase a property before it is offered to other parties, and establishing reasonable penalties to encourage compliance and help cover administration costs”

In the Progressive case (and our Übermensch are Uber-Progressive), that means you are FORCED to sell to the Übermensch at what THEY like as “fair market value”:

“Preempting private sales and requiring owners to sell the property at fair market value to a designated buyer; in this case the price is typically determined by independent appraisers”

Coming County-wide???  Let’s HOPE so – may Chatham be a Progressive beacon.  May we out-Portland Portland!  ‘Cause if you ain’t Progressive, you’re Reactionary.  Reactionaries are evil.


Got it?

Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 22:41:55 -0500
From: Douglas Sedlak
Subject: Attention Siler City Rental Owners : “Right of first refusal” for Affordable Housing