Chatham nonprofit agencies have worked hard during this pandemic crisis

Chatham nonprofit agencies have worked hard during this pandemic crisis

Our wonderful Chatham nonprofit agencies have worked hard during this pandemic crisis to continue to provide services for those in need.   They have worked to help the increased numbers of our neighbors who have lost jobs, need help for daily living, are hungry or facing other crises.  They have found some new ways to provide help safely.  Now, as these agencies continue to help, they need our help.  Some are seeking volunteers to assist in safe ways for everyone.  Many agencies need our help financially, as they have not been able to have their usual fundraisers and have added expenses due to the many adaptations needed.  Learn more about our wonderful Chatham nonprofits and their programs, their needs for volunteers and donations on

Chatham Connecting Volunteers

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 14:54:31 -0400
From: Chatham Connecting
Subject: Chatham Nonprofits