How Much does Thurman hate United Health Care?

Let me count the ways – They are charging me a penalty of $47.00 a month because way back in 2006 I was healthy and did not need prescription drug coverage/insurance. Penalizing me for being healthy? What a dumb-ass theory.

Now, they have the “wellness Catalogue”- $40.00 worth of free stuff every four months. A lot of their prices are too high and you can never figure an order just right- even tho it is free shipping.  Some of their $4.00 medications can be bought at Dollar Tree for a dollar. Today i tried to order an item valued at $29.00 and another item I really didn’t need, just to use up my allotted $40.00.

I decided calling would be easier than send by mail. Wrong. The number is busy. Then when you do get thru, you must repeat all those numbers, codes and nonsense. Three calls and I finally received a message saying the ‘wait’ could be up to 65 minutes. I called back five mins later and got a human-what country I’ll never know – Anyway, repeat a lot of personal nonsense again- then I was told the $29.00 items was out of stock.

But then again, it is all free.

Thurman Maness
Pittsboro NC

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:16:56 -0400
From: Thurman Maness
Subject: How Much do I hate United Health Care?

1 Comment

  1. Thurman,
    Do you buy fire insurance before the fire or after? Health insurance works the same way. It’s cheaper when everyone buys it. When folks wait till they’re sick to buy insurance it makes it more expensive for everone else.

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