Cases at the Laurels of Chatham and Chatham County

All workers at the Laurels of Chatham (LoC) have been trained to treat each resident/patient as if they carry a blood-borne illness.  Care givers are trained to wash hands, wear gloves, clean surfaces and touch points.  A doctor is available 23 hours per day.  (Actually, 24 hours per day but sometimes it takes a little while to get a doctor to answer the call.) Registered and licensed nurses are on duty 24 hours per day.

LoC is a skilled nursing facility where recovering patients needing extended care outside of a hospital come for rehabilitation and recovery.

At no time any time did anyone in authority declare staying home would prevent anyone from catching any disease.  In fact, social distancing extends the time any specific disease hangs around infecting people.

We may all be exposed to COVID-19 before we achieve herd immunity.  The ONLY hope we have is IF a vaccine may be developed or effective therapeutic treatment.

If I contract COVID-19 or I either recover or I die.  The chance of dying for 95% of the American population is .67% UNLESS you live in a skilled nursing facility or other aggregate living facility.

Staying home will destroy our nation’s economy if it goes not too long. How long is too long?  I think we are getting there pretty quickly.  Will I feel guilty about going outside without wearing a mask?  Don’t be silly.  I can’t give anyone COVID-19 if I don’t have COVID-19.

You can be tested negative this morning and discover you have the disease two days from now even if you stay home.  Most of the people who died in LoC never left their small section of the facility.

Medical facilities get paid $13,000 for every COVID-19 hospitalization and $39,000 for every patient who is put on a ventilator.  Pneumonia might not pay that much.  Influenza might not pay that much.  Billions of dollars are at stake.

Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 12:07:58 -0400
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: Cases at the Laurels of Chatham and Chatham County