Flabbergasted at how fast the world changes. What’s next?

I sometimes am flabbergasted at how fast the world changes. Situations and events unfold with amazing speed. Almost too fast for us to adsorb before the next stream of startling happenings scorch our everyday lives. One moment we think we have a handle on it and the next, we are bewildered.

There is a solution – I’m calling it tune-out. For decades I have turned on the telly at five p.m. for the state and local news. Maybe switch channels after an hour and see how they blither the same facts differently. The weather is always important to me. I like some channel’s weathermen and their weather better than others. But what they say guides me thru the next few days.

Usually at six thirty I tune into David Muir for thirty minutes of what i consider straight forward news. At seven time to see how the koo-koo side of the world lives- Judge Judy. It is amazing how the silliest little squabble can win  someone a paid trip to California to be on that show.

In the last week, that all changed for me. No more local ‘news’ no more David Muir. It reached the point that it depressed me me something awful. I just couldn’t take anymore reporting on ‘you know what’.  I have heard all I can adsorb. And a lot of what I was hearing in one place was different from what I heard someplace else.

I can only do so much and I am doing what they told me to do.

I do not need additional gut wrenching ‘facts.’ I can’t do anything about any of it.

Now I turn on the telly at the exact time the weather is to be reported. Then an hour of Judge Judy. You would be surprised how much more relaxing it is.

If we are doing all we can do, be content with that- no one can expect you to do more than you are able to do.


N.A. Booko- Living on the edge is not my thing . . .

Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 17:16:31 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: What’s next?