Why I’m voting NO to a Chatham County Sales Tax Increase

I’m voting NO to the on the proposed Chatham County Sales Tax Increase on Tuesday.

It’s a personal thing to me.

In 2002, I was laid off from a company in financial trouble. Going from a regular paycheck to an unemployment check was quite a change.

I remember going into a grocery story and as I watched the cash register ring up my total food bill wonder “Why the heck do we tax food?”

I quickly became an expert on tracking every cent of spending.

There are folks that pooh pooh folks’ reasons for being against the tax increase by claiming it’s only a quarter of a penny. No one is going to miss that.

The truth of the matter is that when you are literally counting nickel and dimes, those pennies add up. Let’s not add another unnecessary tax burden on folks that there really doesn’t need to be.

Proponents of the Chatham County sales tax increase also claim that it’s an “alternative” tax source.

Can we get serious? Can we get real? We know that in actuality this “alternative” tax source will soon become an additional tax burden. This new tax won’t land up replacing anything.

Let’s look at increasing business growth and development within the county, so that our sales tax dollars (and pennies) don’t land up in surrounding counties that charge the higher sales tax.

I was able to find another job within three months. I made some changes in my financial lifestyle. This included getting rid of all credit card debt and taking to heart Dave Ramsey’s financial advice ( https://www.daveramsey.com/ )

These changes have helped me in pursuing greater personal goals. One of my goals in life is to make my tiny portion of the planet I live on a little bit better.

My wife and I volunteer and give generously to our church and to local causes that we feel will benefit folks in and outside our comunity.

Some may feel that this is just not enough.

But, have you heard the Star Fish story?

It’s short and sweet.

Watch this minute video

This story serves as a powerful reminder that each one of us has the power within ourselves to make a difference in the lives of others right now!

As caring and giving individuals we don’t need to increase the Chatham County sales tax to be able to do this.

Won’t you join me in becoming another starfish thrower?


Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 21:42:41 -0500
From: Gene Galin
Subject: Why I’m voting NO to a Chatham County Sales Tax Increase