We don’t need bigger government in Chatham County

Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2020 09:47:57 -0500
From: inbox
Subject: Tarus Balog and taxes

In his post on Tuesday, Tarus said: “I don’t know of anyone who likes to pay taxes but in order to have a government you have to pay for it somehow, and no matter what method you use you can consider it to be a tax.”

Here’s a simple concept: some of us actually want smaller, and less government, not more.  Tax increases are a symptom of more govt. not less.  The more I have had dealing with govt, including at the county level, the less I want to have dealings with it. There is an old expression about the best government being the one that governs the least.  So, no, I don’t want a tax increase. I don’t want more govt. I want the opposite. Of course this is on top of several so called property re-evaluations that have only increased the damned bill.

Consider it a case of consent (to be governed) denied.