Haw River flooding

Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 17:47:04 -0500
From: Chris Garriss
Subject: Haw Flooding

Yes, both the Haw and Deep Rivers hit ar least minor flood in Moncure.  Just above where they join to form the Cape Fear both were high.  The Deep spread out about 800 feet or more from the normal channel into its flood plain.  The Corps must have clamped down on the gates at Jordan somewhat, as both level and discharge dropped.  Both rivers actually had 2 crests in Moncure just above the Cape Fear.  The 2 nd crest was actually a bit higher than the 1 st.  None of them compare to the water level from the hurricane last year.

FEMA notice that came out indicated that there would be some house flooding in Bynum,  advising people to take whatever actions for their safety before that.

I live near both the Haw and Deep, and have subscribed to several kinds of notices and alerts from FEMA after having some unpleasant surprises a few years ago.  You can also set up alerts from specific gages on the rivers. I have alerts sent via text when the water levels rise to a certain point below flood, and that are updated regularly as long as the water level is above the set point.  That way I can see how the rivers are acting, how quickly they seem to be rising or falling.

Longer range, I believe the forecast next week is for more rain, as much as 4 inches.  The rain that really matters is what falls upstream of you. Four inches of rain in Moncure without rain upstream has an impact on Lillington and Wilmington, but not greatly on Moncure in the great scheme of things.  Four inches in Greensboro, Saxapahaw and places upstream has a dramatic impact.

If I lived upstream on the Haw, in or near Bynum,  I would set alerts on the gage on the Haw at Bynum  – well below the flood level.  I would also subscribe to some of the FEMA alerts and warnings.  I feel much better having as much advance warning as possible.