Hair Today – Groan tomorrow – Freak out . . .

Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 13:37:03 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: nabooko
Subject: Hair Today- Groan tomorrow- Freak out . . .

I suppose a third story about hair would be cutting it a little close so I will try and shave off some of the shaggier locks-

In the 1980s I began making porcelain dolls. I did everything- Cast the clay, painted the faces, made the wigs and sewed the clothing. I got good at it. I always bought too much stuff to complete the projects. One thing I did was bye wigs at the thrift stores, cut them down and make hair for the dolls. I did have a knack for doing it. I had tons of wigs on hand.

The day came when I no longer made dolls and found myself with plenty of leftover materials for making the outfits.

Decades went by- I lost track of a lot of stuff. One day I was cleaning out a back room and discovered a large plastic garbage bag seemingly packing with goodies-items  I would be able to display and maybe make a quick buck.

I tore open the bag in haste only to find what appeared to be a bunch of mummified hairy little creatures.  I was  horrified. When I got the nerve to take a second look, I discovered it was a bag of left0ver wigs. Dusty, matted, spider webs- you name it- I suppose they are still there- I couldn’t do a third look . .

N.A. Booko

If I had a doll and a dollar for every wig In that  bag . . . .