A history lesson for Leela, Brad, and Duck

Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 07:23:55 -0400
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: Leela, Brad, and Duck

These Chatlisters requested a history lesson so let’s accommodate them. . .

Brad, I did not mention politics in my previous Chatlist post (#6437).  My references were religious with deference to my personally held Christian beliefs.

Leela Ellis’ use of non sequitur seemed (to me) to beseech the Chatham Park developers to use their acreage as Ms. Ellis sees acceptable.  I think we all understand exactly what Ms. Ellis means.  Ms. Ellis wants the CP developers to acquiesce to her vision of how their private property should be used.  Ms. Ellis and others don’t care about existing laws, rules, and regulations.  They want to determine stricter laws, rules, and regulations simply because Ms. Ellis loves trees.  Others, like Duck Decoy have individually told me Ms. Ellis should be heard because she cares about the environment and is suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.  Duck Decoy has also shown he has little understanding. . .about a lot of issues.

Brad Page has shown repeatedly he can be a mean old man with delusions of someday achieving peace while wrapping himself in the appearance of Zen Buddhism.

Duck, American Loyalists were in favor of the government restricting liberty and freedom of the American colonists.  Loyalists were loyal to the king (i.e. ruling government of the day).  The majority of leading Loyalists were slave-owning cronies of the King.  Loyalists were invested “all in” with the existing government and used the government laws, rules, and regulations to rule people.  When the Patriots won independence with the surrender of the British, many Loyalists fled to the British Caribbean territories WITH their slaves so they could continue their wealthy lives. Most Patriots were passionately anti-slavery.

Most Loyalists felt the protection of the British King George and believed the royal  government gave them power over those ungrateful rebels.  Just like Ms. Ellis, Brad Page, and Duck Decoy believe they can call on the power of the government to give them an advantage over those who do not share their opinions of the environment or other fad causes celebres to which they attach themselves.

Not all slave holders were Loyalists.  Patriot slave holders reluctantly joined the side of independence as long at they were allowed to keep their slave-based economy.  There were about 210 plantations in 58 North Carolina counties (two in Chatham County) and the economies in each of those counties were entirely built around their properties.  Slave holders
believed their slaves were the “farm equipment” of their day.

Slaves were absolutely essential as cheaper labor.  There were certain jobs that ONLY a slave was expected to perform in the slave-holding counties. Poor free people were horrified at the idea of performing those kind of jobs.  Southern people today remember the phrase, “There is certain work white people don’t do.”  Even though slave labor held down wages in their day.  You could rent/lease a slave if you had that kind of work and at least you would not have to perform THAT JOB.  Slave labor was exploited just as illegal aliens are exploited for their cheaper labor today. Cheaper labor holds down labor costs throughout the regional economy in EVERY region in EVERY day.  If you did not like the economy, culture, society, way of life, you could move elsewhere (e.g. western territories or northern states).  Mountain families were independent, self reliant, self sufficient.  They did all their own labor and did not take on “airs” about what jobs they could or could not perform.

The rest of the nation grew up, developed, and prospered differently.

Duck Decoy, just because someone says they care about “the environment” doesn’t mean diddly.  Did you or Brad Page sign up to help remove invasive species in Bynum on June 29? 

So please don’t preach to the developers of CP or the rest of Chatham County or pressure GOVERNMENT