Will removing confederate statues remove all racism, racial hatred, racial tensions, etc.

Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 21:33:10 -0400
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: We are STILL fighting the War of Independence!

Taraus BALOG (Chatlist post #6420) wants to nit pick who defined “The “Cause” of the War Between the States (circa 1861-1865) as if one speech by one democratic southerner (Alexander H. Stevens) summed it all up for democrats and everyone else then and now.

The causes of the war that ended slavery in America were many and complicated in their day.  Most of us today have VERY little understanding of the context of the complexities 160 years ago.  Most Americans have a TINY knowledge about the war that ended slavery.  America changed at the end of that war and not all for the good.  America became an all powerful central government (like the British King George).

Leela Ellis speaks for everybody to demand other people give up private property to serve her sensibilities.

Dr. Dykers wants to parse who hates what.

Will removing the statues remove all racism, racial hatred, racial tensions, etc. in America?  If not, who stands to benefit TODAY by continuing racial tensions?  Could the NAACP continue to raise money? Could the Rainbow Coalition and the National Action Network continue to extort organizations for donations?

Did the end of slavery mark the end of Democrats’ support for racial inequality?  Too many people make a LOT of money in the racial inequality industry.

Americans and many, many others spoke against slavery in all its forms as The Enlightenment swept civilized society.  But there were some who held fast to slavery in the American colonies.  Less than 2% Americans owned slaves in 1861 but the entire southern economy was built on that false foundation of cheap labor.  The Democrat Party was formed to support and defend slavery and white racial attitudes.

How did participants in the slave economy continue to consider themselves righteous and Christian while so many other Americans rabidly condemned.slavery as sinful and evil?

It is the same today as many Americans sit back quietly while their representatives promote post-birth infanticide, same sex marriage  open borders, nullifying laws and making up laws without the rule of law. Taking property from one group of Americans to buy votes of other Americans.  These people stick their thumbs in the eyes of conservatives thinking they are punishing God. The French Revolution was Mob Rule and soon we could have widespread Mob Rule in America.

God and good will win.  Evil will be defeated.  But at what cost?  How long will we languish in “political correctness” stomping individual freedom, rights, and liberties?   We can learn much from history but these same “liberals” want to erase history.  Because history judges them.  Truth judges them.

I’m betting on God’s victory.