Chatham Park – A Model Community of the Future

Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 20:56:55 +0000
From: George Chatham
Subject: Chatham Park- A Model Community of the Future

Nice half page ad in the latest Chatham County Line from the Chatham Park folks. It’s great that they are focused on energy efficiency.

The sub-heading is “Home Innovation and Environmental Sustainability in Chatham Park”.

Sure wish they were as concerned with how their development will affect all of us who have homes here now! Like why don’t they want to give river and stream buffers as recommended by the state – and agreed to by the town of Pittsboro back in 2010? Why are they fighting the state to not give the river and streams more protection? And the Town of Pittsboro has joined the developers to fight the state’s recommendation!

If we all have to pay more to clean up the water so we can use it for cooking on our gas stoves and running through our tankless gas-fired water heaters all those “savings” will just wind up being eaten by water treatment costs – and it will be all of us paying for that, not just the Chatham Park folks!

Of course the developers will make their money based on dubious claims and just move on to the next town and/or county that doesn’t have the where-with-all or motivation to protect ALL it’s citizens.

C’mon Town of Pittsboro – don’t put us all in hot water for the benefit of one developer.