Republic Wireless in Chatham County

Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 09:17:00 -0400
From: Bruce Hively
Subject: cell service from Sprint…

Jeff wrote
From: J <
Subject: Sprint Coverage in Chatham County

A long time ago, we had Sprint.  We dropped sprint when we moved to Chatham
because there was no service at our home in Bear Creek and we’d have to
drive almost into Pittsboro to get cell service.

I’ve been looking again at Sprint because they have a really good deal for
new customers right now:

So I’m considering switching but I wanted to see if those of you in the county (especially outlying areas like Bear Creek, Moncure, Goldston, etc) have had good experiences with Sprint voice and data.


I too previously had Sprint as a cell service provider although through another company and was not too happy with coverage. This was way back in the 2G or 3G era.
However, I have Sprint again as part of my Republic Wireless plan and could not be happier.
Check them out!
hope this helps,