Go bully someone else, please

Date: Thu, 3 May 2018 09:03:37 -0400
From: Wendy Bengivenni
Subject: Fwd: Your take on this

Begin forwarded message:

From: cryptik
Date: May 3, 2018 at 8:30:39 AM EDT
To: Wendy Bengivenni
Subject: Re: Your take on this

Here’s a novel thought. Maybe you should post your information to the Chatlist instead of sending me passive-aggressive emails. People only know what you tell them and what they can (and are willing to) dig up for themselves.

As for bullshit like this: “It’s got to be wonderful to lived with closed eyes and never recognize trouble.” – Take your ad hominem and appeals to emotion somewhere else. You can also shove your “don’t talk, wah wah victim status” nonsense straight up your backside. I’ll say whatever the hell I want, and right now you’re making it sound a lot less like there’s an actual problem in the schools and more like you’re just an asshole and a bit of a budding bully yourself. I’m not saying that your son being bullied is okay, not by any means; but just as your son’s autism doesn’t excuse him being bullied by others, so your son’s plight and the plight of others you have known doesn’t excuse your own bad behavior.

For your edification, I have autism and got bullied plenty in school for being weird, so invoking autism as a defense isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. I also don’t buy into victimhood culture. You cannot sway me with your impassioned speeches or your poorly veiled threats.

You also accuse me of being ignorant of facts, yet my entire post is about a court case which is unsealed and has every filing status publicly available. The filing statuses are facts. It is not up for debate or subject to interpretation. The case is fully disposed of. The dismissal of most of the claims early on indicates that most of the case was without legal merit and I can see how someone who would send a message like this travesty you’ve sent me might harbor a lot of revenge fetishism over their case being so easily tossed out. Here’s a fact for you: schools could easily have squirrely people running them but the courts don’t play mind games or pass judgment based upon feelings and platitudes.

Go bully someone else please. kthxbai

> On 5/3/2018 8:10 AM, Wendy Bengivenni wrote:
> Sir
> My sons teeth were knocked out in the county he was bullied by his teachers and I did sue the county. I think your ignorance to facts can be dangerous. There is another negligence suit now pending. Close your eyes if you must but don’t you dare justify the concern of parents.
> If I wasn’t involved in the school I never would have known until my son was asked to write a letter of apology for his behavior that is directly related to his autism diagnosis. It does not excuse the EC student that bruised the ribs if he assistant principal and was only sent to the urgent care and never reported.
> It’s got to be wonderful to lived with closed eyes and never recognize trouble.
> Perhaps as well you should seek out Michael Kornbluth and the teacher whose bones were broken by the same student. She was fired sued and won. Banished and rehired by a private school in the area.
> This case is a valid one. I know who worked with this family. Research your data as much as you do the case itself and you will
> Learn.  Until then don’t speak on behalf of those that have been hurt. Maybe work that hard to help kids who can’t speak ran for themselves. Or don’t speak at all.