Blue Egg Haze …

Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 16:26:33 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Blue Egg Haze . ..

Yes, I frequently cook in a seasoned iron frying pan/skillet. It accommodates a wide variety of meals. And no, they aren’t all fried.  It may start out with browning several ingredients, but ends up as a sauce or chunky gravy for rice, pasta, etc.

I cook with gas and generally fry a scrambled egg for breakfast. All too frequently I cook the egg, sit down to feast and watch the local weather forecast on T.V.  I sit there,  enjoying the egg along with my coffee. I think to myself, this egg today really tastes good and  smells even better. As I continue, the cooked egg smell seems unreal. A slight blue haze appears between my  eyes and the television. Then I realize- I did not turn the gas off under the iron frying pan.  Blue smoke huffs and puffs in a blistering cloud.  I scramble to turn off the burner.

Blue haze eggs at least three times in the past two months. But  not as bad as my famous “Parched Collards.”  I put my cut up collards in a pressure cooker, just for nine minutes. Something demanded my attention outside and I left the cooker unattended. Forty minutes  later, the collards were ‘done’. So was the burner and the pressure cooker.

N.A. Booko

Something always cooking in Chatham County . . . Tulip and peach trees  blooming in my garden.
Tulips won’t bloom again for the 14th year.