How to protect water pipes from freezing

Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 09:30:10 -0500
From: deloispopp
Subject: protect water pipes from freezing

This is a memo received by customers of OWASA. I am sure they have no problem with me passing it along to Chatlisters…

I have done some editing to make the public service announcement relative non-OWASA customers.

OWASA encourages customers to protect water pipes from freezing

With freezing temperatures expected this week, OWASA encourages customers to protect water pipes from freezing. When water pipes break due to freezing, they can result in a lot of water being wasted, and also cause a lot of property damage.

Below is information about how to protect water pipes from freezing. Additional information is available on the OWASA website. (Please go to or go to, click on Conservation and Education, click on Your Plumbing System and scroll to the item on protecting pipes.)

Pipes in unheated areas of a building, such as the crawlspace or basement, have the greatest chance of freezing. Therefore, it is important to seal openings and air leaks in the crawlspace or basement, including access doors, air vents in the foundation and cracks.
You can use insulation, cardboard, plastic or newspaper to close and seal cracks and other openings- just keep the cold out as much as possible.
Your foundation air vents may have hinged covers so the vents can easily be closed. However, if the basement or crawlspace has a furnace that uses natural gas or heating oil, and/or a water heater that uses natural gas, please maintain an adequate supply of air. You may wish to check with the company that installed and/or maintains the heater or furnace about maintaining adequate air supply.
If you have difficulty protecting pipes from freezing, you can let one or more cold water faucets drip slowly to keep water moving and reduce the potential for freezing. A slow drip from a faucet is better than major water loss and property damage from frozen (burst) pipes.
If you have water pipes or hoses in an unheated area (such as a crawlspace, attic, basement or utility room/shed), insulating the pipes is prudent, especially if they are cold water pipes. For example, pipes that hold water for a sprinkler fire protection system may need to be insulated if they are in an unheated attic.
Pipes in an unheated area can be protected by wrapping them with electrical heating tape (available at supply stores). However, heating tape should not be installed on top of pipes that are insulated.
If you have pipes inside or close to an exterior wall (such as pipes that supply water to a sink), you can help keep the pipes warm by opening the door of the cabinet under the sink.
Remove and drain hoses from outdoor spigots. If there is a shut-off valve specifically for an outdoor spigot, turn the valve to the off position, open the spigot and drain any water remaining in the spigot and pipe “downstream” of the shut-off valve.
If you have water pipes in an unheated area such as a shed or garage and there is a shut-off valve for those pipes, turn off the valve and drain the water from the pipes by opening the faucet/spigot.
Identify and mark the location of the shut-off valve in your plumbing system so you can quickly turn off the water in case of an emergency. Make sure others in your home or business know where the valve if located and how to operate it in case there is an emergency.
Check that the cover on the water meter serving your home or business is closed to help protect water in the meter from freezing. If the cover is missing, please contact your local water supplier/department.

If you have a well house, be sure all water lines are well insulated. A light inside the well house puts off some heat and will help to keep pipes from freezing. In the past, I have cut off power to well pump and drained the inside water lines. This is a sure way to not have frozen pipes….

Check on your neighbor — especially the elderly — to offer assistance to anyone who can use your help to troubleshoot some of the above to keep their water from freezing.