Happy New Year :)

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:13:45 -0500
From: “connectnc.net”
Subject: Happy New Year 🙂

This year flew by , time flies , where did time go ? We hear these things every year about this time . Time is different things to different people . Some measure how long they will be at work by it ; others measure how long they will be off work . It can be how long you will be on vacation or how long it will be before you can retire . I find the more I have focused on how long or short something was it either took longer or was over quicker than I would have liked . I like to think this is a time to enjoy the holidays, to remember the past year with all the happiness and the sadness and be grateful I am still here . Look at time like a room we live in . You only have so much of it so do you fill it with endless busy work and stress or the things that mean the most like family and friends . Someday you will look back into your room of memories and see either important happy things or pointless busy work and waste of space . Time is what you make of it good or bad its your choice . I wanted to wish all of you a very Happy New Year because many of you have taken up space in my room and I’m happier for you being in it . Use the new year wisely , hug your kids , other half’s , parents and friends. Smile often and be happy even more . Goodnite Mark 🙂