Chatham County Democratic liberal fanatics can’t give a straight answer on anything

Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:06:55 -0400
From: “”
Subject: Democratic fanatics

I have continued to run into these local democratic liberal fanatics lately who cant seam to give me a straight answer on anything . They tell me to vote democratic then I always ask several questions . First question is why vote against commissioners who have kept a balanced budget and kept taxes from rising while doing exactly what they said they would do when they ran for office ?

My second question that is always answered with another question or diversion to another subject is , How will democratic candidates pay for all the things they want to spend MY and YOUR TAX MONEY on without raising taxes ? That question is always answered with some kind of attack against republicans for doing what is written in our states constitution by keeping a balanced budget . Liberal democrats blew the budget to a point it was impossible to keep taxes down and blamed the GOP for cutting the waste they made by restructuring things so we the people could afford to pay for them . I’m sorry I cant buy this socialist CHANGE bulls%*T anymore . I look at national debt that has exploded under democratic control and I see how our once great nation is looked at by other nations as nearly a third world country with a socialist dictator with a pen and no regard for the constitution and I feel insulted by these fanatics who think I should vote democrat period . I love Chatham County and I may not make a difference nationally but I sure as heck will voice my opinion until they change the first amendment and then I will yell it ! I have made no secret that I once was a conservative democrat but that changed when that party started attacking the constitution , blowing our tax money and driving us trillions in debt . Locally the democratic party was responsible for all sorts of new fines , fees , higher permits and taxes and lots of arguments and disagreements county wide as to how to run the county . I was embarrassed to be associated with a party of liberal socialist and any red blooded Chathamite should too . We cant take our country back if we cant even take our own communities back . Its time people realized nothing is free , somehow someway everything any politician promises will cost someone more money . I have had several post on here that not so surprisingly former and soon to be former democrats related too and told me point blank I was not alone in how I see things .

I want people to get out and vote . I want people to actually think about taxes and balanced budgets and a stable functional governing body in this county . I want people to think about real good paying jobs and a stable local economy. I want all these people yelling for all these democratic promised freebies to realize that a good majority of us do not want these things nor do we want the additional tax burden and hassles that come with them . If your poor and don’t have a job or wish you had a better job you definitely don’t need to vote democratic because a new democratic commissioner controlled county will start running off potential business and the jobs that go with them . I am poor , I am disabled , I HATE IT ! I hate the fact I cant get out and hold a full time job anymore as disability don’t pay squat . I’m stuck like many in a bad situation but my children aren’t and I want them to have opportunities for good jobs that pay well so they can thrive right here in Chatham County . Read this clearly as there are several kinds of poor people . There are poor people who live on welfare by CHOICE that are lazy deadbeats , then there are those who live on welfare by NECESSITY who would greatly embrace new jobs and opportunities that would enable them to better themselves financially . We need to keep the commissioners in place that will encourage business and growth so EVERYONE who wants a good job can get one . You cant put people to work with all these democratic programs and ( CHANGE ) . This is MY OPINION and my rant for the day . Goodnite Mark 🙂