Possible explanations for pine needles turning brown

Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 18:13:08 -0500
From: Alcooke
Subject: Browning of the pines

Possible explanations for pine needles turning brown:

Normal fall needle drop. Pines typically retain only 2-3 years of needles and older needles fall off, usually in the fall.

Needles on lower limbs may turn brown (and the limb die) due to shading from above and/or from surrounding trees. Needles that don’t get enough sunlight are not doing their job. Dead or dying limbs may eventually fall.

Needles and limbs in the top of the tree may turn brown due to failing health of the tree possibly related to root injury. These trees should be inspected by a qualified arborist if they are in a location where by falling they could injure persons or property or if maintaining the tree in good health is desirable.

And there are probably other scenarios I haven’t thought about.
