Volunteers Needed for High Tunnel Construction

Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2014 20:27:22 +0000
From: “Morehouse, Michelle”
Subject: Volunteers Needed for High Tunnel Construction

Thanks to generosity of many individuals, the Farm at Penny Lane will be constructing a very large, 96’ X 35’, High Tunnel (unheated greenhouse) in December. The tunnel will allow us to provide therapeutic opportunities and fresh, healthy food year-round.

It will take the help of many to assemble the all-metal structure. Some stages will only require the assistance of a few individuals, others will need a large group. Many projects will not need previous experience or special skills, some will. We don’t have a formal volunteer schedule as the project is dependent on many logistical factors but we will need assistance beginning on December 4th. We plan to work any day of the week (Mon-Sun) that we have adequate volunteers, as long as we know at least one day in advance of someone’s availability. If you have questions or are interested in helping, please contact Doug Jones at < mailto:> or 919-444-9680.

Please note that we have a regularly-scheduled (2nd Sat. each month) Farm Work Day on Sat. Dec. 13th from 9 AM-Noon, which will include work on the High Tunnel, some garden work, and perhaps a couple other projects.

We also want to put out the word that we are looking for certain, special tools and materials that someone could bring with them or loan or donate for this project:

* Gas powered post-hole auger
* Cement mixer, (motorized)
* Metal band saw or pipe-cutting chop saw (not expecting a loan of such a tool, maybe the owner could work with us 1-2 days next week and bring their saw with them)
* Scaffolding, easily movable would be best
* Additional long-plank boards
* Battery-powered drivers for Tek screws (self-drilling screws)
* Torpedo level for attaching to a mason line
* Vise-grip type, wide clamps for holding metal parts in place until they are screwed

Thank you for considering volunteering during this very busy season.