Artsy fartsy Coffee clarification

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 20:41:17 -0400
From: “”
Subject: Artsy fartsy Coffee clarification

I want to clarify something . I am in no way attacking art stores , artist and coffee shops . I firmly believe that a cup of coffee first thing in the morning is a necessity to sanity and safety of others by keeping many of us from going postal on some poor sap who tries to have a conversation with us before our brain wakes up in the morning with a shot of caffeine .

I’m all for the arts and I do support local artist . I feel that for the arts to thrive and artist to not starve there needs to be a substantial local income base to support things that aren’t necessities of life like food , shelter and clothing . When people have solid sustainable decent incomes things that are wants and recreations flourish . I feel the arts are much like churches they will have a following dependent on how good the pastor ( artist ) is at delivering their message ( vision ) to others .

Many complain about the separation of church and state .

I see art as one of those things that shouldn’t be controlled or funded by the government . It needs to be totally free artistic expression and to be that way it has to be free from government meddling that always happens when government gives out money . My point is that some liberal democrats talk about vibrant down town areas , walking trails , coffees shops and art stores while jumping conservatives who wont fund these things. The conservatives are trying to invite business and industry here to employ chathamites so they can afford to shop in these art stores , buy the coffee and have the time to use the bike trails and parks . If there are no jobs for local folks the only dollars will come from rich tourist who spend money here ,, the same rich people liberals want to over tax and spread the wealth from .

So if the liberals tax the rich like they want to spread the wealth , the rich will quit spending and then where does the money come from to support the coffee shops and art stores ? Do you see my point ?
Goodnite Mark 🙂