Where are the employment reports to back assertion that 700+ Chatham County employees were fired?

Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 11:30:29 -0400
From: J
Subject: Do you have employment reports to back this assertion up?

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Chatham Chatlist wrote:
> —————————————
> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 12:12:45 -0400
> From:
> Subject: re Muddylaces: fracking and jobs
> Regarding our republican county commissioners and FRACKING: yes, they say they oppose it. But I sent them an email about sections of our state constitution that say that under certain conditions a
> county or community can oppose a law. They said they may look into it, but that they are more concerned about not going against a law. In other words, they say they oppose fracking and at the same
> time consider a law to be above the constitution. That’s not how it works. Constitutions supercede laws.

It’s not up to the Board of Commissioners to determine constitutionality of local ordinances, though they are wise to consider such when drafting them. Are you saying that you would rather have a BOC that wastes untold tens of thousands of dollars (or more) and hours upon hours in the legal defense of laws that they KNOW are in violation of current state law? If a state law is truly in voilation of the state constitution, it’s the court’s job to determine such.

By saying that they want to be sure they do not go against state law, they are ensuring that they are NOT wasting my tax dollars on pointless litigation by drafting ordinances that fall within the scope of NC State Law the first time.

I find it curious that a liberal would be so against a BOC obeying the law… but perhaps if YOU were on the BOC, you would happily tie the county up in endless litigation over a string of emotionally drafted ordinances that violate state law.

> Words mean nothing if they are not backed by action. They have not taken action on “looking into the matter” much less confronting the state about it. Those 3 commissioners’ words mean nothing on the
> subject of fracking. Thus far. I hope they will take action on this matter.
> As to the JOBS AND TAXES: Muddylaces and supporters have forgotten that the democrat dominated county commission actually lowered taxes on several occasions. The one time they raised taxes,
> they raised them back to an earlier level and not higher than that. During this same time period, they also applied for and received grants to help support spending…..so they would not have to raise taxes.
> YEAY! And even more than that: they didn’t lay off employees at the county levels.

I seem to recall being told how great it was that property taxes were not being raised at all!! But then seeing my property valuation by the county rise over 30%, essentially causing me to pay more in taxes without the political fallout of an actual tax hike. That was under the previous BOC, by the way.

> Our current Republican dominated county commission layed off a lot of county employees at the beginning of their tenure. This past year they patted their own backs about adding 700+ jobs at the private
> sector level….yet earlier they had eliminated many more jobs at the county employee levels than the private sector added. Hardship for those people laid off, plus during the jobless period the same
> people also would not have been able to pay taxes to the county. Lose-lose.

Do you have employment reports to back this assertion up? I would presume that “many more” than 700+ would likely be in the 1000 employee range. I would have imagined that laying off over 1000 employees from the county would have caused quite a stir, but I don’t remember hearing about these mass layoffs either here on the chatlist, on the BBS, or in various news outlets that typically report on things like mass layoffs at the government level.

I would be very interested in seeing the county employment data that you used to determine that the current BOC laid off “many more” than 700+.

> – Maryphyllis