Dances of Universal Peace in Pittsboro on August 6

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 17:24:43 -0400
From: libbyann capaldi
Subject: Dances of Universal Peace… Wednesday, August 6th… Lammas
Celebration 6:45

* Lughnasa (Lunasa/Lammas) Celebration Dances of Universal Peace Wednesday, August 6th, 6:45-9:00pm At Senior Center, 365 Hwy 87 N, Pittsboro, NC 27312 You are invited to a special Pittsboro Dances of Universal Peace! During the Celtic cross-quarter celebration of Lughnasa (Christian Lammas), we give thanks for the first fruits of the harvest, the local grains (corn!!) and berries (blueberries!!) of our earth (and partake of them!). And we honor the sacred intentions and passions of our hearts which are coming to fruition. Lughnasa is also a time of games and dancing. We will play a wonderfully fun and meaningful group game, and of course we will dance! 5:00 to 6:00 Attunement for musicians (dancers welcome to attend)6:00 to 6:30 Community Bag Dinner (BYO dinner, no use of kitchen)6:45 to 7:30 Ritual Celebration of Lughnasa/Lammas7:30 to 9:00 Dances of Universal Peace Please note 6:45 starting time for the ritual!! For more information call Hakima Betty Lou, 919-929-0753 <919-929-0753>*
One Spirit
LibbyAnn Capaldi
919 542-7307
919 548-4474 Cell #