Proponents of both the Goathouse refuge and gun range can volley accusations until they’re blue in the face

Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:24:01 -0400
From: Donna Horvath
Subject: Re: Tom Carter’s erroneous Goat House comments

As someone who visits the Goathouse Refuge on a weekly basis, I can affirm that conditions at the refuge are neither unsanitary nor overcrowded for cats and humans alike. The Refuge has never offended any of it’s neighbors with it’s operation, unlike the gun range.

Proponents of both the refuge and gun range and can volley accusations till they’re blue in the face; they resolve nothing. But it can not be disputed that subjecting all residents of the area to maddeningly noisy and constant (which I would assume is the intention of an organization that has plans for expansion) explosive sounds is unconscionable.