Pittsboro Matters member wants to know how DARE people bad-mouth their group

Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 12:13:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: mphorn22
Subject: Bella Donna vs Pittsboro Matters

Dear Linda,
I agree that Bella Donna has done many good things for people.  Thank you for standing up for that.  If you had let it be right then, I wouldn’t have to be writing yet one more letter to this list.

Linda, you just bad-mouthed Pittsboro Matters while also yelling at Kira for bad-mouthing Bella Donna.

We who signed on with Pittsboro Matters did so, not to hide!  We did so because they are willing to research and organize.  I personally do not have time to do that.  As you know, I am outspoken both in meetings and on this list.  So how DARE you bad-mouth an organization just because you don’t agree with their view!  I was grateful that Pittsboro Matters was willing to stand up to the horrendous CPI plans to change our county for the environmentally worse.  They stood up to the then mayor Voller and the town commissioners because said group was not standing up for us.  The end decision mirrored that.  It did NOT mirror the entire town.  The end decision should have involved all views of the town, both politically right and politically left, as well as all grades in between.  It did not. It mirrored only those views that are willing to mow down wilderness, bring in pollution, etc., all in the name of “abundance” and “progress” but is actually “greed” and “more of the same old destructiveness to the earth.”
