Check out for more “facts

Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 10:53:01 -0400
From: “Andrew George”
Subject: Crypic’s “facts”

Since “Cryptic” seems interested in getting to the truth, please consider these facts:

Cryptic writes: “What if you discover that humans clearing out old growth forests for timber and pulp prevents wildfires?”

—Incorrect.. In fact, logging Old growth and other forms of logging are the NUMBER ONE CAUSE of wildfires. Clearing old fire-resistant trees, building roads, and increasing human traffic are the Number 1 cause of wildfires. Fact!

Cryptic writes: “Certainly a wildfire will kill a lot more animals than chopping down a thousand old trees, not to mention the threat they would post to any nearby human lives.”

— Incorrect. In fact, most wildfires burn naturally, in mosaic patterns that are HEALTHY for the forest. Many forests evolved with fire and require them! Fact.

— And, people moving “nearby” wildland urban interface zones (near fire-prone forests) can reduce their chances of being burned by 90% if they have a tin roof and clear directly around their house.NOT clearing old growth (Fire resistant) trees deep in the forest. remember the number one cause of fires still?

Cryptic writes: “What about the fact that humans plant new trees to replace the old trees they chop down, thereby giving the forest newer, stronger trees than it had before?”

— “What about the fact” ? Well, first of all it’s NOT true that you can replace old growth FORESTS with stands of plantation-grown monocultures. The new tree crops are not forests: they are weaker, genetically inferior, more susceptible to pest outbreaks, and MORE FIRE PRONE! And, in FACT, clearing a forest removes 90% of the original biodiversity. “newer stronger trees?” That’s a good one. Yeah, there are more trees now than when Columbus arrives, because 95% of the original old growth forests (with BIG TREES) have been cleared and replaced with spindly plantations of little pine trees.

Cryptic writes: “Or that the lack of old trees allows sunlight onto the forest floor where there was none, opening the area for growth of natural berries and wildflowers, feeding the animals on the ground and helping bees survive and thrive?”

— Clearing the original forest canopy, IN FACT, destroys the herbaceous layer where most biodiversity exists, increases chances of wildfires, and exponentially increases threats from invasive species that are a major threat to native wildlife.

Cryptic’s “facts” are all debunked propaganda points from the logging industry. fortunately, reality has an environmental bias!

Check out: for more “facts”.

Andrew George, PhD