Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 20:23:16 +0000
From: Alyssa Byrd
Subject: Siler City Development Organization to Host Megasite Forum

Siler City Development Organization to Host Megasite Forum

The Siler City Development Organization is hosting a public meeting Thursday, June 19 to discuss what the community can do to support successfully attracting a business to the Chatham Randolph Megasite. The meeting will be held in the Fellowship Hall at Siler City’s First United Methodist Church (1101 W. Raleigh St.) from 6 – 9 p.m.  A light supper will be provided.

The program will include a presentation by Ken Atkins, who led Wake County Economic Development for 16 years and is currently director of economic development for Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, Joe Glasson, a retired insurance executive who led a major location decision and Charles Hayes, president and CEO of the Research Triangle Regional Partnership.

The panelists will discuss what companies and site selectors look for in a community, what matters the most and what a town can do to improve its prospects of attracting a major employer. Breakout focus groups will follow the discussion.

The Siler City Development Organization was formed in 2012 as a non-profit to improve economic, social and cultural quality of life in Siler City through partnerships with the Town and other community organizations.

Contact: Chatham Economic Development Corporation