Central Carolina Community College Continuing Education Summer Classes

Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 11:09:56 -0400
From: Maggie Zwilling
Subject: CCCC, Continuing Education, Summer Classes


Pottery-Wheelthrowing and Artistic Design (Beginner and Advanced Students)

This course is open to pottery students of all levels. Individual and group instruction will be given to assure the success of the beginning students and to offer challenges to the advanced students. Focus will be on wheel throwing, hand building, glazing and firing. Clay Fee: $20.00 (two bags will be required)

Course # 2706, Hours: 30

Start End Dates:  5/19/2014-7/28/14; Day: Monday; Time: 6:00P-8:00P; Cost: 126.25; Location : Siler City,  Rm 101.  Instructor: Darlene Brady

Course # 2707, Hours: 30

Start End Dates: 5/22/2014-7/31/14; Day: Thursday; Time: 6:00P-8:00P; Cost: 126.25; Location: Siler City,  Rm: 101.  Instructor: Raymond Edwards

Course # 2708, Hours: 18

Start End Dates: 5/21/2014-6/25/14; Day: Wednesday; Time: 3:00P-6:00P; Cost: 76.25;  Location: Siler City, Rm. 101.  Instructor: Raymond Edwards.  Clay fee $10.00


Artistic Mig Welding (Beginners)

Have fun while learning a new skill as well as making simple creative art pieces. Students will also learn the art of MIG welding and who to do a weld that makes your pieces everlasting. Metal fee:  $45.00

Course # 2709, *Hours: 30* Start End Dates: 5/19/2014-7/28/14; Day: Monday; Time: 6:00P-9:00P; Cost: 176.25; Location: Siler City, Sage Academy. Instructor: Kevin Kuhnel

Welding with an Artistic Twist (Intermediate to Advanced)

Take your sculptural techniques to a new level! Create a gallery and sale-ready piece or just a quality gift.  In this class you will learn how to twist and spiral metal, adding to your design techniques. You will be shown different finishing techniques and patinas to give your sculpture a more polish professional appearance.

Course # 2710, Hours, 44 Start End Dates: 5/21/2014-7/30/14; Day: Wednesday; Time: 6:00P-10:00P; Cost: 121.25 ; Location: Siler City, Sage Academy. Instructor: Kevin Kuhnel


Contemporary Poetry-Seminar Workshop

Every participant should complete the course with a more refined understanding of poetry of the recent era, and a better understanding of their own work through a contemporary lens. Ideally, we will also recognize resonance amongst poems of any era.

Course #2714, Hours: 12 Start  End Date*: *05/22/14- 06/12/14; Day*: * Thursday;  Time:  6:00P– 9:00P; Cost: 91.25; Location Pittsboro Campus.  Instructor: John Wells

Exploring Poetic Voice

This course will explore participant poetic voice through prompt-exercises, in depth focus on contemporary poets, followed by roundtable critique of participant of participant poems. This workshop would also be useful for writers of flash fiction.

Course #2715, *Hours: 12  *Start End Date: 05/21/14 • 06/25/14; Day: Thursday;  Time:  6:30P–8:30P; Cost: 91.25  Location: Pittsboro Campus.  Instructor: Tom Dow


Hatha Yoga

A gentle yoga class designed to build one’s strength and flexibility while creating a feeling of balance, relaxation, freedom and joy.  Bring some peace to your mind and join us!

Students are required to bring yoga mats.

Course # 1769, Hours: 10  Start End Date:  05/21/14-07/23/14; Day: Wednesday; Time: 6:00P-7:15P; Cost 66.25; Location: Pittsboro Campus;Building 042, Rm MPR. Instructor: Kim Caraganis

Health and Wellness

Participants will be introduced to the latest knowledge concerning behavioral health and wellness, and have the opportunity to assess their current levels of health and fitness as defined by the health and medical communities. Participants should bring a yoga mat or towel for floor work.

Course # 2712, Hours: 8 Start End Date:  06/4/14-07/23/14; Day: Wednesday; Time:3:00P-4:00P; Cost 51.25; Location:  Pittsboro Campus; Building 042, Rm MPR.    Instructor: Ron Holloway

Tai Chi for Health Part I

Students will be introduced to the correct form and sequence of beginner level Sun Tai Chi movements. Physical and mental well-being will be enhanced by improving posture, balance, flexibility, range of motion, muscle strength, mental focus and relaxation.

Course # 2713, Hours: 15

Start End Date:  05/16/14-07/22/14; Day: Tuesday; Time: 6:15P-7:30P; Cost: $56.25; Location: Pittsboro Campus; Building 042, Rm MPR. Instructor: Patty Strother

To register for Continuing Education classes, please call 919.545.8044

Maggie Zwilling