Thoughts on Chatham County Sheriff Richard Webster

Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 13:50:52 -0400
From: stinmar1
Subject: My thoughts on Sheriff

Its very hard to know who to vote for anymore .

Both political parties are either unstable of in a state of change from one basic ideology to the current. In any event its our responsibility to decide who gets the job.  So far here is where I am in the voting process for sheriff.

I am happy with Sheriff Webster’s performance and I’m sure some could find some faults and twist some facts into statement that would steer folks away but the fact is he took a basket case of a sheriffs department and turned it into an  award winning fully functioning department that most are very happy with .  I know you hear people say well I was broken into and all they did was file a report .   My before Sheriff Webster experiences with the Chatham County Sheriffs department were unsatisfying , very few follow ups by detectives and obvious lack of communication later .

Since Sheriff Webster took over the times I have needed a deputy I got one much quicker , better communication , better follow-ups , more professional and most of all I didn’t feel like just a report I felt like a person that was being served by good sheriffs department .  No matter who is sheriff they have a limited amount of resources in deputies and equipment and money to work with .  Murders , drug dealers , hard crimes eat a good chunk of those resources and rightfully so . By the time you get to breaking and entering , shoplifting , simple theft out of your yard there is only a certain amount of resources left that can be used.

I don’t know Sheriff Webster personally . I may have actually met him three or four times at events and honestly the first time he ran for office I wasn’t a real fan of his .  His job performance and the results of his hard work after he got in office won me over and made me a firm supporter .   I wont throw mud at the other guy .  I just believe nothing is perfect , if it works well , isn’t broke , don’t fix it .

I feel I need to support the  sheriff we have and he has my vote .

Goodnite Mark