Jenkins Propane customer service has been excellent

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 08:23:13 -0400
From: “Pat Hurlman”
Subject: Jenkins Propane

I was sorry to hear the that Jenkins did not fare well with some customers this winter.  In their defense I have to say I switched to them about 4years ago and have never had a problem.  They have been great..  on time and very polite and helpful.  They came last month and since we were at the end of the cold weather and we have a 500 gallon tank we already had 150 gallons we asked for just another 100 because the price has been creeping up.. which is not their fault..  supply and demand from a cold winter.  So we will try another big fill at the end of the summer when the prices drop significantly.  My mom next door also uses them and has had no problems. Just want to be fair in that sometimes people complain when there is poor service but we don’t tend to appreciate when we get good service.

In our case for the past 4 years the customer service has been excellent for all the years we have used them. We left Greens Fuel/ Cooper Gas/ Heritage out of Sanford for them because we were having the same issues other are complaining about.  So perhaps every company has their own good and bad..

Pat Hurlman