Chatham County Beekeepers Association conducts an eight week bee school every other year

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 19:05:44 -0400
From: “Pat Weisbrodt”
Subject: Bee school

The Chatham County Beekeepers Association conducts an eight week bee school every other year with our next one in 2015.  I get several calls a year asking about bee schools and I wanted to make you aware that one will be starting on April 21st in Raleigh.  One of our members, David Bailey, owns two bee supply stores (Hillsborough and Raleigh) and will have two bee schools this year. 

To learn more about bees, please check out some of the books and bee magazines at the Pittsboro library.  The  CCBA has been donating excellent books so that all can learn about our important honey bees.  The CCBA has a website and Debbie Roos has all of our information and links for more information on her growing small farms website.

Save the date!  Chatham will celebrate Pollinator Day May 10th on the lawn in front of Chatham Market Place from 9-1.  This event is for all ages.  Learn about pollinators and beekeeping, meet some of our members, and maybe win a door prize!  Details will be posted soon.
Pat Weisbrodt