Vilify Mr. Goodnight because he is “richer” than you?

Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:11:55 -0400
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: Vilify Mr. Goodnight because he is “richer” than you?

Darryl Wally is a delusional baby boomer who knows nothing about Mr. Goodnight.  I don’t know much about either Mr. Wally or Mr. Goodnight.  What I do know comes from their own public expressions and results.  I don’t think Mr. Goodnight deserves Mr. Wally’s spew.

How many of you received help from parents for your college education or down payment on a house or some other “gift”?  Did that make your “bankers” evil?  Or YOU evil for accepting their funding?

Would you rather development come from our tax dollars and “the government”?  How would you like it if Preston Development applied for grants and “community funding” to help pay for construction?  Maybe Preston Development should cozy up to to the Greater Pittsboro Community Development Corporation so they can learn how to obtain $128,000 in “free” money.  Maybe THAT is why Preston Development is getting so much push back?  Because Preston Development does not need local democrat assistance?  Or the owners of empty buildings WANT Mr. Goodnight help “reuse” their buildings instead of building new?  Kinda like a “grant” huh?

There seems to be a wealth of knowledge in Chatham County how to obtain “free” money from grants.  A lot of that money is wrapped around the axle of “global warming”.  Oops.  Now it is called “climate change”.

Chatham County government and the BOC (prior to the republican win in 2010) gave a lot of deference to environmental wackos on our Environmental Review Board committed to mitigating global warming despite exposure of it being a hoax.  I think those wackos should be exposed and disregarded for being just plain wrong.

Reset.  Start over.  THIS TIME using common sense.  Henny Penny is a fairy tale.