2014 season will be Bill Hall’s last as Northwood Chargers’ football coach

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 23:43:24 -0400
From: Gene Galin
Subject: 2014 season will be Bill Hall’s last as Northwood Chargers’ football coach

Bill Hall, the football coach at Pittsboro Northwood for the past 15 seasons, told players last week that the 2014 season will be his last as the Chargers’ coach.

“I had made the decision and thought I had an obligation to share it with my players,” he said. “It doesn’t mean I’m going to slack off or lower my expectations, but I thought they should know.”

Hall has been at the school 27 years.

“There were a lot of factors,” he said. “I’m tired of being tired. And it has reached the point that I can no longer justify the time demands for the amount of money in the paycheck. Coaching high school football has become a 12 month a year job.

“There are some other reasons, of course, but this has been a family decision.”

Northwood has a 79-39 record over the past nine years and has had only one losing record during the span.