When we were prospering in a growing, robust economy, maybe we could endure liberal fantasies of “sustainability”

Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 09:34:49 -0500
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: This is how it takes hold in Chatham County

People don’t know so they ask the Chatlist, “Will Chatham Park be clear cut all at once or parcel-by-parcel?”  There are so many biases and assumptions in that simple question.  Does anyone else wonder, “Do I have any legal, ethical, moral authority to ask what a private owner can or will do with their private property?”  Of course, anyone can ask a simple question but when it moves into “community activism” it becomes mob rule.  A mob is ugly.  A mob is lawless.  Will YOU give others the RIGHT to tell you what to do on your own private property?  Are existing, over-intrusive federal, state, and local laws NOT ENOUGH?  Oh, you don’t know what the existing laws ARE so you think MORE laws are needed to fill in YOUR [legal] gaps?

Then we get a post from a retired Ph.D  from the thriving, economically successful farmland in Manhattan, New York City suggesting Chatham County government hire experts to “become a zero-carbon or carbon neutral
settlement in Pittsboro”.  Let’s FORCE private property owners to do what is IMPOSSIBLE!  Let’s get “free” grant money (from taxpayers) to pay for more government power to FORCE private property owners to bow to our flawed beliefs in global warming despite scientific proof otherwise.  Oh, wait, let’s call it “climate change” as if THAT is easier to swallow.

Pace University in New York City is famous for teaching community activist lawyers how to get “free grant” money from the EPA to sue private property owners in the name of “sustainability”.  They also teach how to get “free grant” money to sustain activities that cannot succeed in the real economy.

When we were prospering in a growing, robust economy, maybe we could endure liberal fantasies of “sustainability”.  It ain’t cute anymore. Their “sustainability” and the American economy cannot coexist.

Chatham citizens.  We MUST defeat this march by a small, retired minority to destroy our economy and our nation.  We cannot afford to pretend common sense does not exist.  Some of these people do not employ common sense and we are letting THEM steer our economy.  (Just because a Ph.D. says it does NOT make it true.)

We MUST stop it here, in Chatham County, and now..