Given the Chatham Park controversy, local folks might be interested in this

Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 12:12:52 -0500
From: Gene Galin
Subject: Given the Chatham Park controversy, local folks might be interested in this.

What We Can Learn From The Man Who Runs The ‘World’s Happiest Company’
Posted: 01/29/2014 6:50 am EST  |  Updated: 01/29/2014 9:59 am EST

Back at the height of the recession, SAS CEO Jim Goodnight made what was considered an astonishing announcement to his worldwide workforce of 11,000 employees: While other companies might be slashing jobs left and right that year, SAS would absolutely not have any layoffs in 2009. His words were met with a collective sigh of relief from the rank-and-file, but what he said next stunned no one familiar with Goodnight’s management style or the philosophy by which he runs his company.

“Now let’s just get back to work.”

1 Comment

  1. This may or may not be true. Being an employer is different from being a developer. When you are wanting to develop thousand of unspoiled forest land and wildlife habitat, are you going to “retain” all the trees, animals, etc., and keep them working and enjoying life? So if you are an employer that retains employees, “retaining” the forest, wildlife, flora, fauna, and unspoiled views should be just as important

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