Starkweather for the 54th? Looks like the Democrats have rough seas ahead.

Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 19:21:24 -0500
From: samantha capitol
Subject: Starkweather for the 54th?

Looks like the Democrats have rough seas ahead. Terrible situation for Rep. McManus and now they have to replace McManus and face a potential messy primary. I am sure they were happy to settle the matter in 2012 and now they have the challenge of uncertainty. The Chatham County GOP has perpetual candidates who lose like Bill Crawford and Karl Ernst, but the Democrats have to face the prospect of an overly eager two time loser like Jeff Starkweather likely supported by his long time friend Voller and backed by coalitionistas and the Pittsboro Matters crowd wedging his ego into the seat.

This voter hopes for some fresh faces from the Republicans and Democrats in Chatham County for house seat 54. Democrats rejected Jeff once. Will they do it again? We will see.