Piercings, Preston and NABooko

Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:54:04 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
Subject: Piercings, Preston and NABooko

First:  Keep writing NABooko!!  I truly enjoy your comments and love your sense of humor!!

Piercings:  Please – everyone – Get A Grip!!  If you don’t like body piercings and tattoos, don’t do it.  If you love it, then tattoo and pierce to your heart’s delight!  The “younger generation” has been shocking the “older generation” since the beginning of time.  It is part of growing up.  I am not a fan of piercing or tattoos and firmly believe everyone who wants a tattoo should attend at least one Biker Week in Daytona, FL where you will see lots of aging bikers and biker chicks and their aging tattoos which is a truly scary sight!!!!

One woman, I guess in her mid to late 70’s, hair bleached blond for so long it looked like straw, skin like leather from all of the years of sun exposure, in a black leather halter top (stomach exposed), black leather short shorts and black leather boots is a sight I still can’t get out of my mind.  You can’t un-see what’s been seen!!!  She was a walking talking advertisement for lots of things people should not do to themselves but she, no doubt, thought she looked great and the crowd she was with did not look any better. Birds of a Feather…

“Back in the day” my dad didn’t like my long-hair boyfriends, tie dye clothes, music or pretty much anything I did – and that was part of the thrill.  The more he groaned about things, I more I did them.  How many of you did the same?

My grandparents did not like my dad’s slicked back hair, rolled up sleeves, loud music, loud cars, girls with too much make-up and tight sweaters, and the rest that were popular in the 1940’s and 1950’s.  I’m sure that was part of my dad’s thrill in doing it.

My great grandparents were completely shocked and mortified when my grandmother wore a dress that exposed her calves and ankles.  They thought she looked like a slut!!!  What was the world coming to????

and so on…  I wonder what the next generation will do?  If their parents are pierced and tattooed, will they go in the opposite direction and be straight laced and clean cut?  Or will technology allow them to wear eye contacts that change color and design constantly so we get dizzy looking at them?  Clothes that contain mini tv screens so they can watch no matter where they are?  Seriously, Japan already has that technology per a NOVA show I saw on PBS a couple of years ago.

Viva La Difference!!
